NDIS Support
NDIS & Disability Support
Applying for the NDIS can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be. Our caring experts at Izy Care Services will help you through the whole process ensuring you have the plan you need, to give you the life you want!
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) brings significant change for People with a disability, disability service providers, and the broader community. People with disability will be able to exercise greater choice and control over the supports they receive and who they receive them from.
The NDIS means significant differences in the way resources are made available to people with disability. The scheme is currently being trialed throughout many parts of Australia.
What is the NDIS?
The NDIS is a nationwide disability service system that provides funding support to people with a disability. The scheme was launched in 2014 with an expected full rollout in 2018.
The scheme has been designed to give people with a disability greater choice and control over the support they receive, providing eligible individuals with funding based on their personal needs, lifelong goals and aspirations.
Do You Need Support?
Are you looking for support to help you live a more indpendent life. Speak with an expert today.
Who Is Eligible for NDIS?
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is the operational body of the NDIS and determines who is eligible to take part in the scheme.
You may be eligible for the NDIS if your:
- An Australian citizen or permanent resident or hold a special category visa.
- Under 65 years old (when you first use the scheme).
- Have a permanent or lifelong disability or condition that stops you from doing everyday things yourself.
- Your impairment affects your capacity for social and economic participation.
Helpful Guides
What Is The NDIS
What Is An NDIS Planner
How the NDIS works
How to create your first NDIS Plan
Managing Your NDIS Budget
NDIS Frequently asked questions
What is the NDIA?
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is an independent statutory agency, whose role is to implement and oversee the NDIS.
How does the NDIS Work?
The NDIS takes a flexible, whole-of-life approach to work with participants, their families, and carers, to develop individualised plans. The NDIS provides participants with more choice and control over how, when and where their supports are provided. It also provides certainty that they will receive the support they need over their lifetime.
The NDIS works to connect participants with community and mainstream supports. The NDIS also funds the additional reasonable and necessary supports to help participants pursue their goals and aspirations, and participate in daily life.
Helping people to build their social and economic participation requires the NDIS to work closely with community organisations to identify opportunities for people with disability
How can I Access the NDIS?
If you are eligible, you will need to call NDIS on 1800 800 110 to request an Access Request Form. You may need input from your GP or medical specialist/s as well as copies of any assessment, health care reports or other forms of evidence to support your application. If you already have this information readily available, you are off to a good start with planning for your planning meeting with NDIS! Once you have your Access Request Form, you have 21 business days to return it to NDIS for processing.
If you are struggling with the NDIS application process our support team are on hand to help you every step of the way.
How Long Does The Processing Take?
The NDIA will let you know their decision within 21 days of receiving your application and all evidence. If your application is successful a Local Area Coordinator will contact you to arrange a planning meeting.
It’s important that you prepare for your planning meeting. Follow the link below to know what you need to bring and go through the planning meeting checklist they have available. https://www.ndis.gov.au/participants/creating-your-plan/planning-meeting-checklist
Izy Care Services can offer support during this entire process so if you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s okay, we’re here to assist.
Will i Get Reassessed? If So How Often
You will be assessed as part of your transition to NDIS and then again as you or someone else identifies that your needs are/have changed. Your NDIS plan will be formally reviewed after 12 months, but if something changes in the meantime, you can have your plan changed to suit your needs.
What is An NDIS Planning Meeting?
Your Planning Meeting can be either face to face in a location convenient to you, or over the phone with a NDIS Planner or a Local Area Coordinator. During this meeting, you’ll be asked about your goals and your day to day life. This is where your NDIS Planning Workbook is helpful. You can bring along a family member, friend or advocate to support you in your planning meeting if you desire. In your meeting, you’ll also be asked to choose a Plan Management Option, which determines who will manage your NDIS Plan and funding.
Follow the link below to know what you need to bring and go through the planning meeting checklist they have available. https://www.ndis.gov.au/participants/creating-your-plan/planning-meeting-checklist
Izy Care Services can offer support during this entire process so if you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s okay, we’re here to assist.
Book A Free Consultation
Do you need more information, or ready to get started with one of our services? Call us on 1300 284 200 to know more about us or to fix an appointment.
You can also write to us to let us know about your needs and we will get back to you with our service details and how we can help. Simply fill out the contact form and we will respond within 2 hours during business days. Monday – Friday 9 am-5 pm.